high quality services in carbonate geology for the E&P industry

E&P opportunities in Italy
noun |ˌɒp.əˈtʃuː.nə.ti |ˌɑː.pɚˈtuː.nə.t̬i |
"an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something"
expertise to deliver results

Italy, a country with:
a huge demand for oil&gas
small-to-medium sized gas and oil projects to be developed, with the potential for larger discoveries
several E&P companies
potential for gas storage
known play-types with exploration upside
room to explore and prove new play concepts
According to the Ministry for Economic Development, the country still holds a large volume of reserves to be developed, being the 5th Country in EU for its reserves (as of "2017 DataBook", Ministry for Economic Development):
114 Billion cubic meter of gas
1.6 Billion bbl of oil
We support the Client in evaluating, catching and progressing E&P opportunities in Italy.

Database (seismic & well logs)
data make the difference

GIS-based database of subsurface data (well logs, seismic lines, technical reports)
Surface analogues studies, geological and seismic modeling
Report on basin, play types and block evaluations
Monthly update on the block changes
Alerts on E&P and Environment protection legislation
E&P reports
touch it with your hands

Synthetic reports on E&P development in Italy, with a focus on specific areas or on carbonate reservoirs.
The reports can be associated to short field courses and lectures on demand.
according to the law

Our experience in the Italian E&P regulatory framework and our capability to liaise with the Authorities will allow the client to maintain a steady time-to-market plan.
safety first

We support the client in fulfilling italian H&S regulatory requirements, and in integrating them with Client's H&S system and procedures. Our work is delivered according to the worldwide best practices on H&S.
taking care