high quality services in carbonate geology for the E&P industry
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Please, contact us at info@stratageoresearch.com for higher resolution copies and for any additional information you might need.
CarbMed GIS
A GIS project for the Petroleum Geology of Mediterranean Isolated Carbonate Platforms (MICPs)
A GEO-DATABASE on Mediterranen Carbonates, aimed to summarize and query:
Scientific papers and E&P reports;
Available geological-data, such as: -Stratigraphic logs; -Wells; -Geological sections; -Seismic lines; -Geological and thematic maps; -HC field maps.
Distribution of ICPs in the Mediterranean, outcropping or in subsurface;
Main geological features of MegaSequences and their geographical distribution;
Information on MICPs Petroleum System elements
A valid and smart tool for evaluating the exploration potential of Mediterranean Isolated Carbonate Platforms (MICPs), through the comparison of subsurface case histories and the identification of more appropriate analogues.

Our new released chart

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic Tethyan Megasequences, Isolated Carbonate Platforms and Petroleum Systems Chart
An original, unique regional megasequence stratigraphic framework, an attempt to unify the Alpine Tethys and Neotethys with North Africa and Eastern Mediterranean. The information are included in a practical synoptic chart illustrating the time-space distribution and characteristics of more than 70 Isolated Carbonate Platforms (ICPs), more than 120 formations with source potential and more than 50 reservoirs across the Mediterranean.
The chart has been developed to facilitate regional studies and comparison of Mediterranean ICPs and associated petroleum system elements. It includes paleogeography maps for each megasequence, with the distribution of Mediterranean ICPs, the source rocks, the reservoirs, the major tectonic features and GDEs.
The CarbMed-GIS project, with much of the data supporting the chart is also available: it allows the user to make queries to the various features and treat them as specific attributes.
Cretaceous Rudist-dominated depositional systems
A 4-days field trip focusing on Cretaceous rudist-bearing carbonates, which represent important reservoirs worldwide, from the Middle East through the Mediterranean and North Africa, to the Gulf of Mexico.
Seismic and sequence
stratigraphy of Carbonate systems
4 to 5 days field trip focusing on the application of seismic and sequence stratigraphy principles to carbonate systems. An integrated geological and geophysical database will be used to illustrate and discuss principles of sequence stratigraphy and their application to real-world examples.
Our field trip programme
Isolated Carbonate Platforms of the Mediterranean.
Geological features, seismic expression and hydrocarbon potential
Based on data from fields and their surface analogues, the report presents an up-to-date review on Isolated Carbonate Platforms of the Mediterranean and the distribution characteristics of their petroleum system related elements
Our Multi-client Reports
Our short papers
a copy of the Short Papers can be requested via email at info@stratageoresearch.com; please click the button and fill the email with your references (name, organization, position, LinkedIn profile), we will be happy to send it to you

The North Ras Kanayis Offshore block in the underexplored Herodotus Basin (11 January 2021)
The great Eastern Mediterranean exploration game continues! The big development in early 2021 is the award of the North Ras Kanayis Offshore (NRKO) block on the southern margin of the Herodotus Basin to a consortium operated by Total and including Shell, KUFPEC and Tharwa.

The Dumre Block (Albania): possible ICPs between Apulia and Adriatic platforms? (10 January 2020)
It’s been recently announced that Eni is re-commencing exploration activities in Albania, following award of the onshore Dumre block. The block has the potential to contain a range of play types:
Structural/ stratigraphic traps in the Neogene flysch which are proven at the nearby Kucova and Durres fields.
Structural traps in the sub-diapir hangingwall anticlines, reservoired in the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene basinal calciturbidites of the Scaglia Formation.

Shpirag success and why not all “fractured carbonate reservoirs” are created equal… (31 May 2019)
Shell have just announced the results of the successful Shpirag-4 appraisal well in Albania, with a well test that flowed “several thousand barrels of oil per day”, and follow up plans that include a long term production test and full development of the field, if appraisal results are positive.
Katakolon - a small but perfectly formed oil field in Western Greece (30 September, 2018)
The Katakolon oil and gas field offshore in Greece is interesting both in its own right and because it illustrates some of the general characteristics of fields in the Cretaceous to Eocene basinal carbonates of the Adriatic-Ionian zone.